LIVESTRONG Challenge 2010: The Report

Where to begin? Maybe with the rain.  I love riding my bike, and I will ride in all conditions.   And I’m not lying when I tell you I didn’t really mind the rain during the 70 miles through Berks County, PA.  The rain that started at about mile 30 and went hard, on and off,…

Why I’m Riding for LIVESTRONG: August 22, 2010

I’ve always been a strong supporter of LIVESTRONG and it’s mission to fight cancer.  Last year I took a break from fundraising and participating in the LIVESTRONG Challenge.  But recent events have renewed my passion for this cause. Some of you know about my mom’s recent breast cancer diagnosis.  This was her second time with…


Registration opened today for LIVESTRONG 2010.  I regret deeply that I skipped last year, and won’t make that mistake in 2010.  If you’ve never participated in this event, I can only tell you that I have never been so moved emotionally and physically challenged in my entire life. I will be signing up for the 70…


Joanna emailed yesterday to tell me her hard work paid off! Someone read one of her craigslist posts and emailed her with the name of the pawnshop that had her bicycle. She actually had to buy her own bike back even though she had proof it was hers and stolen! Read her account of the…

LIVESTRONG 2008: Philly is Hilly!

I’m back from LIVESTRONG Philly where Heather and I completed 70 strenuous miles through Montgomery and Berks Counties. The weather was perfect and with my multitude of mechanical issues successfully resolved, I could concentrate on just riding my bike. We got a late start–they delayed our “release” by about 30 minutes. Heather & I got…

The last ride before LIVESTRONG

I told the General last night that I would clean the house today because I had the day off. I was heading out to meet the BCC crew for a 1530 (3:30 pm Karen) start time. We were meeting at our newest member’s residence and it was going to be a 20 minute bike ride…

Mechanical Issues Galore!

I’m a planner, and it’s a good thing. I took my road bike to the shop for a once over and new tape for the handlebars. We discovered the bottom bracket had a frozen bearing and needed to be replaced. I picked it up, good as new on Thursday. I took it out for a…

And the General thinks I’m crazy…

Unfortunately, Joanna is just now learning what information she needs if her bike is stolen. She forgot to bring it inside just once, and that’s all some opportunistic dirt bag needed. I forgot my bike on the car rack after my ride yesterday (I was distracted by the Wing Zing pizza in my possession). I…

LIVESTRONG Philly, Loose Ends, and My Trip to Colorado

We’re ramping up quickly to the event that has defined us for the better part of the year–the LIVESTRONG Challenge in Philadelphia.  I expected to blog more about some of the personal stories and people that compel me to participate in this event, like my mom (breast cancer) or my old high school/college boyfriend (testicular…

An important skill

Yes, the ability to breathe through one’s nose is a very important skill for biking. At the moment, it is one I do not possess. The sneezing started yesterday and by last night I finally admitted I had the damn cold. With only three rides logged for the month of August, and LIVESTRONG right around…