The Return of My Mojo


It’s March, there is still snow on the ground, but spring is near, and I’m actually feeling excited about bikes again.

It took a lot longer than I expected and I had a few moments I thought maybe I’d just fell out of love. But giving myself some time to not care for a bit and focus on other things seemed to be just what I needed.

I’m starting to think about what I want to do and what bike adventures I may want to try. And I’m keeping it all very loose. Nothing is absolute. Everything is open. It’s nice to consider the possibilities.

Tentatively, I have a short weekend bikepacking adventure planned in July in Vermont, a couple of mountain biking races I’d like to do, an a couple of gravel events I’ve already signed up for – namely Raid Rockingham in June and the iconic D2R2 in August. We’ll do the traditional Kingdom Trails long weekend in Vermont in June. And I want to redeem myself this autumn with some solid efforts on the cyclocross race schedule. I joined a new team last year and it would be nice to have some decent results while wearing the Salty Women kit and supporting my teammates behind the tape.

In general, I’m just looking forward to getting out there and riding again. For the joy of it. I still want to have training days and get fitter on the bike, but just keep it lighter and more fun, without some lofty goal anchoring my year.


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